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Enterprise Services

Backed by SiteDetour’s technical capabilities and expertise, enterprise-level companies can enjoy the kind of reliability and efficiency they need to do their best work.

redirect creation screen

Redirect Services That Scale

SiteDetour provides URL-redirection and QR-code-hosting services that make website migrations, domain changes, and link management a breeze. Plus, intuitive tools for real-time targeting and audience creation open up a world of possibilities that will revolutionize what your company can do. SiteDetour’s easy-to-use platform is the perfect solution for enterprise organizations, providing top-tier reliability, scalable pricing, and a team of experts by your side.
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Audience Building for Personalized Experiences

SiteDetour is the first and only redirect- and QR-code platform to support personalization. Links can be set up to display different content to different users based on their location, time of day, day of the week, and a range of other parameters.

Dynamic QR Codes You Can Fully Customize

Create brand-specific QR codes with different colors, styles, and logos, all designed to encourage interaction and provide customers with a consistent experience. Users can change the target destinations of QR codes at any time, perfect for running seasonal promotions and campaigns.

All the URL Redirects You Need in Seconds

Without the help of SiteDetour, creating URL redirects involves buying SSL certificates, hosting the redirects on a server, and renewing the certificates on a regular basis. Through the SiteDetour dashboard, creating redirects and analyzing traffic couldn’t be easier.

Support for Multiple Users and Teams

As an enterprise-level solution, SiteDetour was built with teams and collaboration in mind. Create multiple accounts and take advantage of role-based access and permission controls to make sure everyone can work together smoothly.

Unparalleled Reliability

Don’t take any chances with your redirects — our purpose-built platform promises 99.95% uptime, ensuring the kind of reliability that most agencies simply can’t match with in-house solutions.

Scalable Pricing to Fit Your Business

SiteDetour offers scalable pricing for enterprise-level companies. The flexible pay-as-you-go model is based on the number of domains configured, meaning businesses don’t need to pay for anything they don’t use.

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SiteDetour Makes Link Management Easy!

Unlock the power of Dynamic QR Codes and streamline your URL Redirect management with SiteDetour.

URL Redirect Link Management