Announcing our new API documentation!
Check it out here

API Overview

SiteDetour features a robust REST API for programmatic access to automate or manage various redirection settings.

On this page:


SiteDetour is backed by a flexible and robust API for programmatically managing your redirects, QR codes, account settings, and more. Any action that can be taken via the SiteDetour web-console can also be accomplished using our API.

Generating API Token

In order to get started with the API you will first need to download the API token. You can obtain an API token by clicking API in the left navigation pane and then clicking "Download New Access Token" button as shown in the screenshot below.

Note: Generating a new token will revoke any previously created API tokens.


In order to authenticate with the API send the downloaded token as a bearer token.

Making API calls

Integration with the API is very straightforward and you can visit our documentation to find the supported API calls.


If you have any issues while integrating with the API, please feel free to open a support ticket via our Support Ticket page or simply send us an email at